Caring, Collaborative, Community-focused…Cruel, Conniving, Contemptuous

Haringey recently spent money redesigning their website to boast about how much they care for our community. Yet our members are constantly being faced with the opposite of every value they claim to uphold. N’s story is just the latest example. After a long battle, our member N finally won a court order at the […]

August 28, 2023  Tags: , , ,   Posted in: HHAG ACTIONS  Comments Closed

All I Want For Christmas Is A Safe Clean Home

 ‘The condition of this house is impossible. The first word that comes to mind is misery’. For nearly 2 years, our member X has been telling Homes for Haringey that her temporary accommodation was unbearable. The council themselves have finally agreed that her living conditions are unsuitable, yet she and her family are still waiting […]

December 12, 2020  Tags: , ,   Posted in: HHAG ACTIONS  Comments Closed

Haringey Council to evict a woman and her 14-year-old daughter

M is a Haringey resident.  She is due to be evicted by the council this Tuesday (10 November).   When she came to our meeting last week, she told us that the council want to evict her because of rent arrears, despite the fact that she has already put a plan in place to pay her […]

November 10, 2015  Tags: , ,   Posted in: HHAG ACTIONS  Comments Closed

Homelessness and the Localism Act – know your rights!

Today, members of Haringey Housing Action Group distributed leaflets outside Apex House (South Tottenham Customer Service Centre), to make people aware about some changes that councils are making to the way they house homeless households. This was just one of many actions happening across London as part of the Radical Housing Network’s week of action. […]

February 16, 2015  Tags: , ,   Posted in: INFORMATION  Comments Closed

The number of council homes that Haringey Council has built since 2010 – in 129 words

We found this question and answer in the agenda papers for the council meeting on 21 July 2014: WRITTEN QUESTION 4 – TO THE CABINET MEMBER FOR HOUSING AND REGENERATION [Cllr Alan Strickland] FROM COUNCILLOR CONNOR: How many Council homes has the Council built since 2010? ANSWER In November 2013, the Cabinet approved a Housing […]

August 11, 2014  Tags: , ,   Posted in: INFORMATION  Comments Closed