Benefit Cap


If you stand to lose some of your housing benefit or are threatened with eviction because of non-payment of rent don’t panic or suffer in isolation. Get in touch with Haringey Housing Action Group for advice and support, and to meet other people in a similar situation.

In addition, you could:

  • Apply for Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) from the council to cover the shortfall. If you’re in temporary accommodation you should definitely do this, the council have said (when the cap was first introduced) that they will not evict anyone who doesn’t pay their rent because of the benefit cap.
  • Check if you can claim Working Tax Credits – WTC claimants are exempt from the benefit cap. You may also be able to claim WTC if you are self-employed.
  • Ask for a reassesment of your claim if you think they have made a mistake.  Everyone is entitled to see the calculation used.
  • If you are a private tenant, why not ask your landlord to reduce your rent…?

There is also more information about the benefit cap on the Citizens Advice website.

Whatever your situation, if you want to stop the cap, then get in touch and get organised!

Cut the Benefit C*ap