Cuts to Housing Benefit – The Facts.
New claims or when current claims are reviewed
Average rents in an area are calculated. Housing Benefit will now be capped at the 30% mark. It used to be 50%. Now, only 3 out of 10 rented properties are available to claimants
Under 35, and living alone
The maximum Housing Benefit you will now get is the “single room” rate (see below) no matter what property you live in. This used to only apply to under 25’s.
If you have a high rent
There is a maximum Housing Benefit rate for each type of property. For most of Haringey the limits are
- £87.50 for a single room
- £180 for one bedroom
- £230.77 for two bedrooms
- £294 for three bedrooms
- £361.50 for four
Nationally the rates are capped at:
- 123.50 for a single room
- £250 for one bedroom
- £290 for two bedrooms
- £340 for three bedrooms
- £400 for four
If you have more than four bedrooms
You will only be able to claim up to the maximum for a four bedroom property
Cheaper rents
It used to be you could keep £15 if your rent was below a certain amount. This has now stopped
Disabled people who need an extra room for a carer
You should get Housing Benefit to cover the cost, so long as you can show you need care, and have a carer
Other note
You can apply for discretionary housing payments from the council if you have a shortfall in your rent
May 2, 2012
Tags: benefit cuts, housing benefit Posted in: INFORMATION