Caring, Collaborative, Community-focused…Cruel, Conniving, Contemptuous
Haringey recently spent money redesigning their website to boast about how much they care for our community. Yet our members are constantly being faced with the opposite of every value they claim to uphold. N’s story is just the latest example. After a long battle, our member N finally won a court order at the […]
August 28, 2023
Tags: gatekeeping, haringey council, homelessness, temporary accommodation Posted in: HHAG ACTIONS
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“It affects everything”. Rehouse H now!
Our member H is facing eviction. She approached the council as soon as she got the first notice, over six months ago, but she and her children are still no closer to being rehoused. H is now counting down the days until the bailiffs knock on the door, but she still doesn’t know where her […]
February 20, 2019
Tags: eviction, gatekeeping, haringey council, homelessness, homelessness reduction act Posted in: HHAG ACTIONS
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More empty promises, more rights ignored
‘How long can we go on and how long will the Council continue to treat people like next to nothing?’ Since we posted the last article, we’ve met another member who has also been waiting since last summer for a final decision on her homelessness case. E is in private rented accommodation, G is waiting […]
February 14, 2019
Tags: gatekeeping, haringey council, homelessness, homelessness reduction act, overcrowding Posted in: HHAG ACTIONS
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Empty promises, rights ignored
Our member E and her teenage child are living in one overcrowded room with shared facilities. Even if you have somewhere to live, you may be legally homeless if your living conditions are so bad that you cannot be expected to stay there. E first approached the council in April 2018 and asked them to […]
January 25, 2019
Tags: gatekeeping, haringey council, homelessness, overcrowding Posted in: HHAG ACTIONS
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Old law, new law, same old story
‘Approaching the council has become a menace to my life. Old law, new law, none of them is favourable to me. Instead of the council helping, they’ve just been dodgy, not sincere in their comments. It makes it difficult for me and my family. Now they say that I’m top of the list, but without any […]
July 23, 2018
Tags: gatekeeping, haringey council, homelessness, homelessness reduction act, overcrowding, Private tenants Posted in: HHAG ACTIONS
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Join our protest, 10 Oct: Haringey Council, rehouse Z now!
Join us in Wood Green on Tuesday to support our member Z, and to challenge Haringey Council’s callous treatment of tenants facing eviction. Protest Tuesday 10 October, 12.30pm outside Haringey’s housing office – 48 Station Road, London N22 7TY. (1 minute walk from Wood Green tube.) Z and her family have been facing harassment from […]
October 8, 2017
Tags: eviction, gatekeeping, harassment, haringey council, homes for haringey Posted in: HHAG ACTIONS
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The waiting game: six weeks struggling against gatekeeping
Our member L, a mother of four, is due to be evicted this Monday, 3rd July. She first approached Haringey Council more than five weeks ago, but they have only just confirmed that they will provide emergency housing for Monday night. Like most councils, Haringey is known for diverting people away from making a homeless […]
June 30, 2017
Tags: eviction, gatekeeping, haringey council, homelessness Posted in: HHAG ACTIONS
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Gatekeeping at the housing office
Gatekeeping is the term used to describe the practice of councils turning homeless people away when they request help. This practice is unlawful, but we hear examples of it happening every time we leaflet outside the housing office. Our sister group Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth (HASL) has been campaigning against gatekeeping at their local […]
August 26, 2016
Tags: gatekeeping, haringey council Posted in: INFORMATION
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Gatekeeping at Haringey Council
We recently supported one of our members, M, who faced gatekeeping from Haringey Council when she attempted to apply as homeless. This was not a one-off incident. Our previous experiences show that the council consistently fails to do its duty, and the comments made to M by a housing officer confirm this. We’re calling on […]
November 28, 2015
Tags: gatekeeping, haringey council, homelessness, vulnerable Posted in: HHAG ACTIONS
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How one Haringey council officer could prevent a family being evicted
Today we have been give the runaround by Haringey Council. All we wanted was for a housing benefit officer to speak to a homelessness officer. Background: One of our members had been evicted from a privately rented property. She applied as homeless to the council, but the council eventually denied that they had a duty […]
March 9, 2015
Tags: eviction, gatekeeping, haringey council, homelessness, Private tenants Posted in: HHAG ACTIONS
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