Archive for March, 2015

It’s Our Tottenham, not Their Tottenham

Protest outside the £300-a-head ‘regeneration and redevelopment’ event at our Town Hall Thursday 26th March, 1pm – 2pm Tottenham Town Hall, Town Hall Approach Rd, London N15 4RY Protest called by the Our Tottenham Coordination Group, Haringey Housing Action Group, Taxpayers Against Poverty, and Haringey Solidarity Group. All supporters are welcome to bring relevant placards […]

March 25, 2015  Tags: , , ,   Posted in: LOCAL CAMPAIGNS  Comments Closed

How one Haringey council officer could prevent a family being evicted

Today we have been give the runaround by Haringey Council. All we wanted was for a housing benefit officer to speak to a homelessness officer. Background: One of our members had been evicted from a privately rented property.  She applied as homeless to the council, but the council eventually denied that they had a duty […]

March 9, 2015  Tags: , , , ,   Posted in: HHAG ACTIONS  Comments Closed